Rediscovering AppKit
I’m currently working on new features for my app Netopsy, and I thought it would be a good idea to keep track of my progress.
Netopsy is an app that lets you view network traces from Fiddler.NET. While working on the Yammer team at Microsoft, I occasionally received network traces and discovered that while the format is pretty simple, there was no easy way to view them on a Mac.
The first task on my plate is to build a control to implement a list filter. My inspiration is a similar control from Xcode:
AppKit provides an NSSearchField
control, however, I wasn’t sure how to customize the search
button icon to look more like a filter, and I wasn’t sure if it would support having additional
buttons on the right-hand side.
Off to playgrounds we go!
The pieces we need to assemble are: an NSControl
for the top-level container, and inside
that, from left to right, NSButton
, NSTextField
, NSButton
, NSButton
We’ll start with the following code:
class CustomSearchField: NSControl {
let searchButton: NSButton
let searchField: NSTextField
let filter1Button: NSButton
let filter2Button: NSButton
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
searchField = NSTextField()
let searchImage = NSImage(named: NSImage.Name.actionTemplate)!
searchButton = NSButton()
searchButton.image = searchImage
let filter1Image = NSImage(named: .bookmarksTemplate)!
let filter2Image = NSImage(named: .bluetoothTemplate)!
filter1Button = NSButton()
filter1Button.image = filter1Image
filter2Button = NSButton()
filter2Button.image = filter2Image
super.init(frame: frameRect)
let views: [String: NSView] = ["search": searchButton,
"text": searchField,
"filter1": filter1Button,
"filter2": filter2Button]
for view in views.values {
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "H:|[search][text(>=40)][filter1][filter2]|", options: .alignAllCenterY, metrics: nil, views: views))
That’s… something. It’s not terribly handsome, but we can build on this.
I owe much gratitude to the following URLs:
- stackoverflow: Best way to change the background color for an NSView (Is there a way to see how many times I’ve visited a particular stackoverflow question? I feel like this has to be my number one most revisited question and answer. (And based on the activity there - I’m not the only one.))
Radars opened: